Golf and Fitness

What's the recent buzz around the golf world? The PGA's top professionals are stepping up their game by stepping it up in the gym. Most fans would assume the pros spend all of their time on the range, on the putting green or even out on the course to work on their game. The pros have added in a whole new aspect to perfect their game... trying to get those gains! Besides, without a little muscle how are they supposed to hoist those huge trophies in the air? The debate is always out there if golfers are "true athletes" or not but when you see most of them walking down the fairways they LOOK like athletes. The golf swing is one of the most dynamic movements in the world of sports and the top players on the tour have to have the power to execute it affectively. The stronger these guys are the most they can control their body to hit the ball further and straighter. Don't believe us? Start hitting the gym and see how your swing improves! And don't forget to take that selfie or did the workout really happen? ;)